
You can now book an appointment with an Advanced Physiotherapy Practioner who is based at the practice by calling the usual number - 0131 228 6081. We currently have physio cover every weekday with mostly face-to-face appointments.
They can consult on a number of muskuloskeletal issues such as:
- Spinal pain including low back pain and sciatica, mid back pain and neck pain
- All soft tissue injuries, sprains, strains or sports injuries
- Possible problems with muscle, ligament, tendon or bone e.g. Tennis elbow, carpal tunnel syndrome, ankle sprains
- Any joint pain, including arthritis or possible arthritis
- Increasing mobility problems
Our physios can offer advice and treatment options as well as organise referral for appropriate investigations, if indicated or refer you for community exercise groups.
Please note that they can't see patients who are/have:
- Acutely unwell
- Children <16years
- Pregnant women
- Patients requiring a home visit
- Patients requesting only prescriptions or fit notes
- Undiagnosed headaches
- Suspected Fractures
- Pain from suspected non-MSK cause, (i.e. cardiac, respiratory, systemic infection - fever)
- Acute mental health crisis.
Extended treatment, if needed, is provided through the physiotherapy community clinics - further information about this service and common problems is available here.
NHSInform also has an extensive set of self-help articles and videos for muscle, bone and joint issues, available here.